Why is Magik different?

The Death of Ponzinomics

By combining a rich set of use cases with an array of services that automatically inject protocol revenue back into the ecosystem via automated buy back burns, the Magik team aims to put an end to zero sum defi investment.

How it works:

Yield Optimization as a Service: On April 15th 2022, the Magik team launched Magik Farm’s third party deflationary smart strategy vaults for third parties. ½ of vault fees on native vaults and ¼ of vault fees on 3rd party vaults are automatically allocated to $MAGIK buy back and burn.

This has allowed Magik Finance to achieve a ~.24% daily token burn rate.

Locking Tokenomic Integrations: Coming Soon

NFT Vault Integrations as a Service: Coming soon

xMAGIK Governance: Coming soon

lxMAGIK Revenue Sharing: Coming soon

Magik World and Gamefi: Coming soon

Data Aggregation as a Service: Coming soon

Treasury Investments and Bribe Wars: Coming soon

Collateralized Borrowing and Lending: Coming soon

Last updated